Sunday, October 12, 2014

Golden Gate Bridge

A couple of weeks ago we walked across the Golden Gate Bridge.  We were fortunate to have a clear day without the typical fog that covers the bridge.  As we were about a third of the way across I noticed this structure across the bridge highway and stopped to make a long exposure.  I setup my camera and tripod on the walkway and backed up to a support post to avoid the pedestrians walking by.  I made a three minute exposure using a -10 stop neutral density filter.  During the exposure hundreds of cars  crossed in front of me on the roadway going in both directions.  There was a steady stream a people walking in front of my camera during the exposure that never interfered with the image.  One thing nice about long exposure photography is that you can make moving objects disappear in the scene.  The other concern I had to deal with was the bridge vibration from all of the traffic crossing the bridge.  I knew if the camera and tripod moved up and down with the bridge motion, that the image would be sharp regardless of the long three minute exposure time.  This is what I love about photography,  the challenge of making new and interesting photos in difficult situations.  


  1. I never knew cars etc, would be eliminated during a long exposure. Could you explain why that is. Really like you work and have tried to use what I've learned in my own photography. Just bought my first Nikon DSLR and trying to learn how to use it. Lots to learn but I have the rest of my life.


  2. Thanks Leonard for commenting on my work. Photography is a medium that can freeze a moment in time with the use of a quick shutter speed or alter a scene with a long exposure of time. The reason the moving objects don't get recorded during a three minute exposure is that they are only in the scene for a fraction of time during the total exposure. Objects that past in front of the camera will not be recorded due to the limited time they are a part of the overall exposure. Enjoy your new Nikon camera and hope you take a lot of fun photographs. Take care, John
