Saturday, May 4, 2013

Death Valley's Fury

While in Death Valley we camped for two weeks in Stovepipe Wells to be near the sand dunes.
Each morning I would get up at 5 a.m. to get my coffee and be parked near the dunes around 6 a.m. One of the last mornings at the dunes I had decided to take a long walk across the Devil's Cornfield and visit a new group of dunes in an area that is rarely visited. I started my hike in under darkness and got to the first set of dunes just as the first traces of light came into the sky. It was a quiet morning as I walked into a group of nice size dunes, and could see that no one had been in the area recently. I assembled my equipment and composed an area I knew would look nice when the first shaft of sunlight would hit the dunes. I started to notice a slight breeze as the sun was coming up and almost without warning a storm force wind blew in and I quickly made one or two exposures. I realized this wasn't good for me or my equipment and started packing up as quickly as possible to get out.  The sand was blowing into my eyes as I struggled with my equipment. I turned to find my direction out of the dunes and realized I couldn't see much of anything.  I determined my direction of travel was directly into the strong winds. I pulled my hat down over my entire face and held onto it with one hand while my other hand covered my nose and mouth. The only reference I had to find my way back to the road was the sunlight at my feet. I knew that I had come in from the east and I just started walking in the direction of the rising sun while looking straight down. The wind was very strong and it was three steps forward and two back while trying to navigate in the deep sand of the dunes. It seemed like an endless hike back to the highway and my car. Finally my feet found the blacktop and I had to guess in which direction my car was. I started down the road and luckily came to my car within a mile or so. The storm continued blow at gale force winds for two day and kept us holed up in our RV.  What started out as just another simple hike into the dunes at sunrise soon became a life threatening event. Death Valley got its name for a very good reason. It is a land that can very gentle and then at the next moment can turn deadly.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Use discipline, even if Elvis happens to walk by

I spent my early years of photography studying the work of Ansel Adams, as most serious Black and White photographers did.  There wasn't the internet at the time to research his images or the locations he photographed in. I would spend countless hours at the public library reading and learning all I could about his magical images and the foreign looking lands he made them in. I would sit and dream about such places and how one day I too would seek these places out for my own, and stand in the empty wilderness I had seen in his pictures. Death Valley Ca. is a place we have camped numerous times in recent years. We had always camped near Stovepipe Wells the far western area of the park to be near the sand dunes, but on our last trip we decide to stay near Furnace Creek to be more centrally located.  This image was made at Zabriskie Point, an area that I hadn't photographed at sunrise in our previous trips. I took off before dawn one morning with Ansel's image in my head. Thinking about being in the empty wilderness at first light just like I dreamt of doing so many years ago. I reached my destination and found I was not alone. There were photographers standing elbow to elbow across the horizon firing away with their motor drive cameras at the first signs of a sunrise in an empty sky. I stood in shock at the sight. I thought maybe I am missing something really big, like Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, and Big Foot all walking together. I turned away and saw this image in the opposite direction. I put on a long zoom lens and made the image before this unique cloud formation vanished. I looked back over my shoulder as I was leaving and I could still hear the motor drive cameras burning away. I made one image that morning and it turned out to be the one had I dreamt about all those years before.

Ansel Adams   -
Death Valley    -
Zabriskie Point -

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The road to Jalpan

While in Mexico we made a trip up through the beautiful Sierra Gorda Mountains in the state of Queretaro to hike to some waterfalls, and photograph the small mountain villages and the people. Our destination was the small town of Jalpan to spend a few days. When we reached the village of Pinal de Amoles we stopped to walked around and find a place to eat. We enjoy going to the small family restaurantes or food stands along the streets. We have never had a bad meal while in Mexico. We don't drink the water or use ice in our drinks. A soda or a beer is the recommended beverage with a meal. While we were having lunch we sat across from this elderly lady. The light from the open store front was reflecting on her and I had to put my taco down and pick up my camera to capture the scene. One thing we have noticed in Mexico is that the small restaurantes will offer a plate of food to elderly women. We saw this many times in the little villages we stopped to eat in.

Jalpan                 -
Pinal de Amoles -

Saturday, April 27, 2013

What's up with all of the color?

I have been primarily a Black and White photographer for most of my life. I got started into photography with an old Kodak 8x10 all metal view camera with a hugh Majestic tripod and gradually moved down to 4x5 and medium format cameras. When I started with digital it was with a Canon Elph 1.3 mega pixel camera and then moved up. I have gotten caught in the technology web of photography that I never really spent much time in before. My many years of using my Linhof Technika was more about photography and less about technology. I was more concerned about evaluating the light and interrupting the subject  matter than I was about program modes and auto focus points, etc.  The view camera was just a box without batteries and sophisticated programs. The camera really couldn't tell me anything, it was just a manual tool.  I controlled the camera, setting the focus, and determining the proper exposure with a hand held light meter. Photography for me has been pretty much intuitive with the numerous years working with film and a view camera. I am terrible with discussions about techniques and technical stuff concerning photography. I would best describe it as; I know how to tie my shoes but if I had to write a detailed description about it I would mess it up for sure. I went film-less  two years ago when we sold our home and went full time RVing. I do miss my darkroom and the studio space that I enjoyed for so many years. It was my island where I could tune out the noise and concentrate just on my work. The image above shows how the new technology can improve your chances of recording an image that maybe film couldn't. This is HDR (high dynamic range) image of about 7 or 8 different exposures combined into one using the Photomatix Pro software . I am not a big fan of the HDR look because it can appear a bit phony with the bright colors and the overall softness of the image. I was happy to be able to make this image of the small church in this remote Mexican village, and it was with the help of the new technology that provided me this opportunity. I need to keep looking forward and bring the past along with me.

Linhof  -
Photomatix Pro -

Friday, April 26, 2013

San Juan del Rio'

One of our favorite places in Mexico to do street photography is San Juan del Rio' in the state of Queretaro.  It is a vibrant city with colorful streets that are full people. The old historic district is fascinating with its numerous jardins and Gothic churches. It was an easy drive from the nearby town we were staying and we enjoyed spending the day walking the streets and being part of the hustle and bustle. This image of the old woman with a cane would have been missed if Linda had not yelled and wave frantically at me to stop what I was doing. I hurried up the street and immediately saw what she was excited about.  I composed the scene and quickly made the exposure just as the woman was passing the painted image of an old woman on the wall. The trick to street photography is to always have your equipment ready and your eyes open to the movement around you. Things move quickly and the opportunity for making an exciting image is limited.

San Juan del Rio' -

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

We Choppin ?

While traveling in Mexico we would look for remote locations in search of interesting people, towns, and nature sites to photograph. One town we liked was located in the state of Hidalgo called, Huichapan ( it sounds like saying"we choppin"). This is a clean and brightly colored town full of town's people in the local jardin.  We had learned, while in town, that there were Indian cave paintings and petroglyphs nearby. These were made by the Toltec Indians. We wrote down the best directions we could, interpretting them from Spanish, and headed out to locate the caves near a canyon lake. We traveled some dusty roads and came into a small village of just a couple of homes. We parked our car and started in search of the caves in the rocks near the lake. As we stumbled around the boulders a lady came running and waving with a big smile on her face. We didn't know a word she was saying but she knew we wanted to find the caves and took us there.  They were located in a difficult place and we had to scramble over rocks and through the catcus. We spent the afternon there and made some interesting photographs. Little did I know my best images of the day would come when we were returning back up the dirt road in our car. We came across a farmer sitting with his dog and cows. I couldn't resist this setting and parked a short distance away and walked down to his home. He was a quiet and humble man who sat patiently while I took his photograph. The image where he was sitting with his dog and cows, I feel, best represents the man and his life.

Click here to learn more about Huichapan. -
Toltec Indians -

One image of the petroglyphs we located.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A face with character

When I am out doing street photography I always keep an eye out for a person whose face has a lot of character. I came across this women on the streets of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I sat down on the door stoop and talked with her as best as I could with my limited foreign language skills. She was a delightful woman and I could instantly see she had a quality of wisdom in her eyes. I asked her if I could take her picture and she was honored by the request. Later in the week I returned to her location and gave her copy of this picture. She is one of the many people of the streets that you will find in a town like San Miguel. Here is a link if you would like more information on the city and the culture.