Travel and Photography - -
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Ebb and Flow
I will be 74 years old next month. My interest in photography started in high school when my small school built a darkroom and started a photography class. In the first year the class was offered there were only two of us who were in the class. I remember clearly the first time I watched a plain piece of white paper turn into a photograph in front of my eyes in the darkroom. It was a magical life changing event for me. I instantly connected with the process and the possibilities photography held for self expression. So here I am 60 years later still pursuing the photographic process. During those years the equipment and process has changed numerous times requiring a re-education to stay current with the process. The changes always had a period of ebb and flow to the creative aspect of photography. New techniques and to be learned and equipment exchanged. It is more costly and time consuming in the electronic world of photography with hardware updates and digital procedures constantly changing. I still have the desire to create and explore with photography but miss the process that I fell in love with in the darkroom. The AI technology that will soon be unleashed on the world will probably spell the end of the creative process of the individual and will usher in the the computer generated art that has very little heart and soul.
Monday, April 17, 2023
Fogo Island
It was a foggy morning as I searched around Fogo Island in Newfoundland for a pleasing scene to photograph. I came upon these three boats and at first I kind of dismissed them for making a pleasing image. Mainly because there were so many other interesting structures with boats around area that held my attention. That was four years ago and recently I was going through some files of that trip and came across this image. I was intrigued by the simple quiet composition and could see potential in the image. It is strange, but I usually find these lost and forgotten images during a period of sleeplessness in the middle of the night and immediately start working on them with enthusiasm. The stillness in the scene represents the stillness of the night and completes the creative cycle.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Book Projects
I have spent the past several months sorting out and editing my photographic images I have made over the past five decades. My photographic journey has taken me down many paths of creative interest. As I go through the tens of thousands of images made on film or with a digital camera, it becomes apparent there are numerous images that can be grouped together according to theme and style. I can clearly see how my interest with certain subjects grew while others faded. My efforts with this project is to products books of images that I pulled from my files and organize them to be viewed as a theme. This is a time consuming project that takes discipline to complete. My first completed book is titled "Street Portraits". It contains about seventy photographs of people I randomly met and photographed in their environments. It is satisfying to see a complete body of work represented in a book format. Currently I am sorting through images that contain a theme of what I refer to as visual rhythms in nature. These are images that have common patterns with form and movement found in nature. I first went through my plant life images, and then as the project grew, I found similar images of tree roots and rock formations. As I work on old and forgotten images I became aware of how my photographic pursue developed a rhythmic visual style.
Saturday, December 10, 2022
We all develop our own style in photography if we stay with it long enough. We first start out trying to mimic other photographers whose work we admire. There is nothing wrong with this but at some point we need stop trying to reproduce another photographers work and create our own look. It starts with an awareness of things that we are drawn to and putting together a body of work that represents our emotional response to what we see. There is nothing mystical or magical about the process. It is simple seeing and putting your inner person into play. We all have jobs and commitments we have to deal with everyday, But deep within all of us is a hidden person that can create and present something that has meaning to us. The source of this creativity ebbs and flows with intensity and sometimes is not present at all. It is not that is is not there, but because we have stopped seeing and listening to the things inside of us and take on other duties of the day, Somedays I walk though the day and look for nothing. My eyes are shut because of negative news and other outside forces that occupy my mind. Then for no particular reason I wake up and find everything has the potential of creating an interesting image and my mind is flooded with wonderful ideas. I guess this is a normal and healthy way that the creative minds works. The down times are frustrating but are periods of rest before a rush of new creative energy comes flooding in. Often my moods follow the same path as my creative and non creative periods. The above image was made in Mexico of some banners hanging in a small church,
Sunday, October 30, 2022
A mule in front of a mural
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Transition is the change from one state to another. I prefer to photograph when the day is transitioning to night. The last few minutes of daylight provides a soft glow on the subject and eliminates the harsh shadows caused by the midday sun. During this time the winds cease and a quietness falls on the land. In the stillness you become aware of the the changes in nature as the birds fly overhead to roost for the night while the bats come out of their resting place. When alone in the wildness locations I feel the eeriness of the approaching night as a coyote yelps at the rising moon. I stay at the location as long a possible before the darkness over takes me and I need to make the trek back to my vehicle or campsite. These are special times and some of the most rewarding in making photographs and to experience the transition of the day into the night. The above photograph was made in Nevada. I visited the location during the day to scout around for an evening photo session. I am always amazed how different things look when I return after the sunsets.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
What makes a good photograph?
Photography is a medium that offers many choices in how we want to use it. What makes a good photograph? It really depends on how you use photography. For most people it is to record family events and create a history of cherished memories. The ability to freeze a moment in time is unique to photography. When I look back at old photographs of past family members, I can appreciate the true power of photography when use to record important people and events in our lives. Photography also can provide a way to express a desire within us to create and explore the environment we live in. This is the expressive side of photography that can make us stop and think when viewing an image that inspires us. These types of images help us to connect to an object or scene in a way we couldn't have otherwise. The stillness of photography lets us view and examine the object with great detail and emotion. We all quit seeing as we grow. We develop a learned recognition of things so we really never have to look at it in detail again. Such as looking at a tree or a chair. Once we have imprinted our minds at a young age to recognize a tree we only need to glance at a tree a know what it is. In a sense we stop really seeing and rely more on our sense of recognition. The gift photography can provide a way to persevere the cherished memories of our lives and to awaken our true sense of seeing. So the good photographs are ones that impacts you the most.