Showing posts with label nature photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature photography. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2024

A quiet time of day

I am always in search of a remote quiet location to do my photography. The stillness lets me take my time to connect with the environment that I am in. I don't like rushing around when doing landscape photography. Being rushed often leads to making numerous poorly composed images that just fill up a memory card. It is better to make a few good images that represents the emotions you feel about the subject and location, than just to fire away hoping that you get something that inspires. I learned to take a slow approach with landscape photography with my many years of working with a film and a large format camera. It is easy to fall into bad habits with camera that think too much for you. I pretty much use my mirrorless cameras in fully manual mode. I really don't bother to learn the multiple features that modern digital cameras offer. I find it too difficult to be occupied with many functions and settings that are built into these cameras for my style of photography. Certainly if I was still doing professional sports photography I would utilize many of the features these new cameras offer. This image is from a Canada trip around Lake Superior. It was long after sunset on a calm and quiet summers night.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Winter time and bare trees

I always enjoy photographing trees without leaves. To me a tree with just bare branches has more presence. Certaily tree with their fall corlors make for a beautiful photographs, but I find bare trees have more charactor and therefor a more interesting subject. I made this image during the winter months in Florida when the Bald Cypress trees loose their leaves.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Another 3am image

The older I get the less I sleep.  At times it is frustrating dealing with insomnia but I find that the wee hours of the morning gives me the quiet time to work on an image without any distractions.  I think back of my many years working alone in the darkroom and it was a space of little noise or interruptions.  Once I entered the space I had a mind set and focus of working on printing an image.  I knew I had maybe three to four hours of a good concentration level before I tired out. After that I would mix chemicals or do other mundane task the darkroom work required.  The digital darkroom is much harder to maintain a steady concentration when working on an image.  There are frequent distractions that come with being on a computer and doing photography.  A simple notice of an incoming email message will take me out of my processing mindset and I end up just saving the image off to work on later.  If you take your photography seriously you will need to find a way to work without frequent interruptions.  The steps to processing of an image takes analysis, execution, and finalization in order to achieve a satisfactory image.  A disruption in any phase will most likely end up with falling short of achieving a successful image.  So, do I like working on my images when I should be sleeping? No, but it does help me produce some of my favorite images. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Give life to your dreams

I recently came across this writing I did a number of years ago and at first I didn't recognize it as something I wrote.  I found it inspiring as if I was reading someone else's words.  I will turn the age of 74 in a few days and reading something from my past creates a stirring in me. I question myself if I dream as much as I did now that I am much older. Probably not,"but" I will be celebrating my 74 birthday on a two week tent camping trip to the N.W. to do some photography. 

"Give life to your dreams"

We start life on a fast and rigorous pace with school, work, family, and community. We all dream but where do they take us? If we learn to make our dreams into actions we will have a fuller satisfaction in life. How do we take a random thought or dream and make it a reality? It first begins with taking the time to dream and visualize. Try to imagine yourself doing the very things where your thoughts are taking you. Second you need to find your special place to dream. It may be a quiet and secured place or a favorite place from the past that brings you a sense of peace. Next you need to keep your dream personal until you are certain this is something you truly desire to do. Rushing out to tell others will dampen or destroy your dream because they will influence your thoughts, and often you will toss it off as only a whimsical dream and at that point you will become defeated and losing belief in your dream. I had a place where I did most of my dreaming. It had a long distance view where I would look out over a vast landscape. In my spare time I could sit there and dream about far away places and actually could see myself doing it. I knew at the time it may be years before I could eventually do what I was dreaming about but in my mind I knew that I was going to do it. The next step in planning and learning what actions you need to take to make your dream a reality. This is the work action that needs to happen to keep your dream alive. Write down a list of the steps that you need to do to start the process. With this you will start to realize you are bring your dream to life and that is when the excitement begins. Refuse to listen to the naysayers and others around that will dampen your enthusiasm. Life is full of negative voices and don’t let those voices steal your dream you have started. You will know that your dream is right when it is your own, and the only way to achieve that is limit the outside influence that can rob you of your hopeful thoughts. The next step in living out your dreams is to get up and go do it. This requires a bold and daring move to commit to something that was just a thought in your head a few months ago, but if you visualized your self doing it and made the basic plans to carry it out, then it is the time to move forward. Here is a few saying that you can apply to your motivation for bring a dream to life.

“ Analysis Paralysis” Failure by default (over thinking something)

“Winners take imperfect actions, while losers are perfecting their plans” (Make a plan and take an action)

My dreams that started in my favorite place has taken me to several countries in the world and to explore off the beaten path. I have hiked, camped, and met wonderful people along the way. I have a lifetime of memories and many inspiring photographs that take me back to my original dreams. Time is precious so don’t just dream it away, give life to your dreams. 


Wednesday, October 26, 2022


Transition is the change from one state to another.  I prefer to photograph when the day is transitioning to night.  The last few minutes of daylight provides a soft glow on the subject and eliminates the harsh shadows caused by the midday sun.  During this time the winds cease and a quietness falls on the land.  In the stillness you become aware of the the changes in nature as the birds fly overhead to roost for the night while the bats come out of their resting place.  When alone in the wildness locations I feel the eeriness of the approaching night as a coyote yelps at the rising moon.  I stay at the location as long a possible before the darkness over takes me and I need to make the trek back to my vehicle or campsite.  These are special times and some of the most rewarding in making photographs and to experience the transition of the day into the night.  The above photograph was made in Nevada. I visited the location during the day to scout around for an evening photo session.  I am always amazed how different things look when I return after the sunsets. 

Friday, September 9, 2022

"This image does nothing for me" was the reply - Recognition

    Visual artists are always in the pursuit of discovery and seeing the ordinary in a new way.  How we present our vision or interpretation of a subject to viewer has changed considerably in recent years.  Recognition for a visual artist is essential. How their work is received by the viewing public can impact the direction their work takes, but should it?  I have had a photographer friend for a number of years that I have shared new images with. We both have sent each other images over the years and try to give an honest critique.  I sent him this image recently and the only reply was " This image does nothing for me".  A bit harsh with no explanation.  This got me to thinking how important recognition is for a visual artist and how their work is displayed and viewed.  Back when I was a darkroom photographer I presented my work in the environment of galleries and museums.  There would be an opening night with a gala event.  It was a time to meet and talk with the patrons and visitors, and to gain some feedback about my work.  The direct contact and interaction with the viewers at these events was a meaningful source of recognition.  I rarely do these types of shows today. The galleries and museums have become less of a source in which to view artwork.  Today we work through social media displaying our work to the world on small cellphone screens. We may reach a larger audience but the recognition is superficial without the direct contact with the viewer.  Instagram and other platforms do not provide a space for true art appreciation. Chasing the likes and comments on these sites can have a negative influence on your work if you focus too much in that area. Social media may be a good place to share some recent images of a project, but it can never represent a body of work as when viewed in the setting of distinguished gallery.

My thoughts of the above image are that I like the mysterious environment I was in when making the photograph.  Sometimes we are more inspired by the setting we were in than the image we make of it.  There are things in this image that are distracting but other parts that represents the mysterious feel of the location.  I had a direct connection to the scene where my friend ( the viewer ) in his critique did not.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

It is hard to take your own advice

I have been writing in this blog for a number of years. It has never received much attention as initially desired.  I question why I take the time to write things down and post it with one of my photographic images. Possibly I am writing to myself to express the things stirring in my life or to resovle some current issue. At the start I was hoping to inspire other creative people to engage in a dialog about things of mutual interest.  Sadly few comments were ever received but that has never been a real concern for me.  Occasionally I will read a few of my older post to look back on my creative ambitions and my thoughts at the time.  I find myself taking my own advice which is sometimes hard to do. We all have a weakness with staying committed to a purpose. If you write your thoughts down and revisit them years later you can determine how committed you were to your beliefs at the time. Taking your own advice can be hard. 

I made this image yesterday while out in the swamps here in Florida. I love the cypress tree and it's intriguing root system. I often find myself resting under the shade of the trees during the mid day heat.  The song of the Mockingbird over my head and the cry of the osprey circling high above is the music in nature. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Nature can restore

I spent a couple of weeks in the Georgia mountains recently.  I found many small streams to wade in and enjoy the cool and quiet surroundings.  After a few days of hiking and photographing alone, I found myself forgetting about the worries of the day.  Sadly we live in a culture where the media bombards us constantly with negative news and opinions.  Without realizing it, our thoughts are no longer our thoughts because of what we are exposed to each day. We are all aware of the many forms of pollution in our environment, light. air, noise, and waste pollution. But are we aware of the effects of pollution that is being constantly sent to our brains through the airways by TV, cellphone, and the internet.  You will  come to realize how your thoughts are impacted by these sources when you separate yourself from them. Do we really need to be constantly connected to this controlling force in our lives?  Take some time and disconnect once in awhile and reconnect with your own self generated thoughts.  It will help you find what is really important and where your focus should be for your life. 

Thursday, January 3, 2019

In the Morning

                                             "In the morning when the moon is at it's rest
                                              You will find me at the time I love the best
                                              Watching rainbows play of sunlight
                                              Pools of water iced from cold nights"

                                                                              The Bee Gees

I was out early morning in my kayak on the last day of the 2018 year.  I always enjoy the transition form night to daylight.  Nature is quiet and just coming to life.  The stillness clears the mind and refreshes.