Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Give life to your dreams

I recently came across this writing I did a number of years ago and at first I didn't recognize it as something I wrote.  I found it inspiring as if I was reading someone else's words.  I will turn the age of 74 in a few days and reading something from my past creates a stirring in me. I question myself if I dream as much as I did now that I am much older. Probably not,"but" I will be celebrating my 74 birthday on a two week tent camping trip to the N.W. to do some photography. 

"Give life to your dreams"

We start life on a fast and rigorous pace with school, work, family, and community. We all dream but where do they take us? If we learn to make our dreams into actions we will have a fuller satisfaction in life. How do we take a random thought or dream and make it a reality? It first begins with taking the time to dream and visualize. Try to imagine yourself doing the very things where your thoughts are taking you. Second you need to find your special place to dream. It may be a quiet and secured place or a favorite place from the past that brings you a sense of peace. Next you need to keep your dream personal until you are certain this is something you truly desire to do. Rushing out to tell others will dampen or destroy your dream because they will influence your thoughts, and often you will toss it off as only a whimsical dream and at that point you will become defeated and losing belief in your dream. I had a place where I did most of my dreaming. It had a long distance view where I would look out over a vast landscape. In my spare time I could sit there and dream about far away places and actually could see myself doing it. I knew at the time it may be years before I could eventually do what I was dreaming about but in my mind I knew that I was going to do it. The next step in planning and learning what actions you need to take to make your dream a reality. This is the work action that needs to happen to keep your dream alive. Write down a list of the steps that you need to do to start the process. With this you will start to realize you are bring your dream to life and that is when the excitement begins. Refuse to listen to the naysayers and others around that will dampen your enthusiasm. Life is full of negative voices and don’t let those voices steal your dream you have started. You will know that your dream is right when it is your own, and the only way to achieve that is limit the outside influence that can rob you of your hopeful thoughts. The next step in living out your dreams is to get up and go do it. This requires a bold and daring move to commit to something that was just a thought in your head a few months ago, but if you visualized your self doing it and made the basic plans to carry it out, then it is the time to move forward. Here is a few saying that you can apply to your motivation for bring a dream to life.

“ Analysis Paralysis” Failure by default (over thinking something)

“Winners take imperfect actions, while losers are perfecting their plans” (Make a plan and take an action)

My dreams that started in my favorite place has taken me to several countries in the world and to explore off the beaten path. I have hiked, camped, and met wonderful people along the way. I have a lifetime of memories and many inspiring photographs that take me back to my original dreams. Time is precious so don’t just dream it away, give life to your dreams. 


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